Trivia for Kung Fu Panda, the american computer-animated action comedy martial arts film, in which Po, the main character, is a kung fu fanatic who idolizes the Furious Five: Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper, and Crane. This is a fun and addictive mobile IOS quiz game developed by Quiz Studio for the passionate fans of this famous computer-animated film in order to test their knowledge about it. Do you have what it takes to complete in time all the questions correctly?
- Choose the right answer for more over than 100+ questions about the famous and exciting action comedy martial arts computer-animated film, Kung Fu Panda!
- Random difficulty questions
- Track your scores in a FUN, ADDICTIVE and FREE IOS QUIZ GAME !
* * * Come and test your knowledge or find out more about your favourite characters, like: Po, Tigress, Master Shifu, Tai Lung, Oogway, Viper, Mr. Ping and many others in a special quiz made for the fans of this famous and exciting action comedy martial arts animated film!
Do you know:
- The villainous Tai Lung is being held in a prison guarded by what type of animals?
- What is inscribed on the Dragon Scroll?
- Who teaches Po kung fu?
► Key features include:
* Game Center support – All of the robust leaderboards with fierce competition.
* Colorful retina graphics – All of our games come fully supported for retina devices with very colorful, eye catching graphics !
* Universal App - Enjoy optimized graphics for whatever device you are using !
* Test yourself to see how much you can remember from the action comedy martial arts computer-animated film, Kung Fu Panda, in an exciting IOS quiz game made for the fans in order to test their knowledge about this famous animated movie.
► Please note that this quiz app is a fan made app for other fans and is used only for the purpose of review, criticism and entertainment. No copyright violations are intended under the fair use clause.